
Astonishing Image Effects through JS and Canvas/VML


Utility: strokeText.js is a customizable and extendable javascript library providing multiple master single line stroke text capability for Canvas and VML (identical representation). Includes a (built in) sans-serif font with complete ISO-8859-1 charset. Requires no plugin/extension or any other external resource!

New since 1.0: Initial release

It uses unobtrusive javascript to keep your code clean and works in all the major browsers - Mozilla Firefox 1.5+, Opera 9+, IE6+, iPhone, Chrome and Safari.


Utility: The supports lib is a customizable and extendable javascript library providing multiple feature detecting. Requires no plugin/extension or any other external resource!

New since 5.0: Initial public release

It uses unobtrusive javascript to keep your code clean and works in all the major browsers - Mozilla Firefox 1.5+, Opera 9+, IE6+, iPhone, Chrome and Safari.

Public Domain: cubic-bezier-timing-function compatible with -webkit-transition-timing-function.

Public Domain: quickchoice is an Opera Speed Dial clone for css transform supporting browsers.

The CVI Developer Scripts are distributed under the GPL, LGPL and AGPL open source licenses. This triple copyleft licensing model should avoid incompatibilities with other open source licenses. For many companies and products, Open Source licenses are not an option. For these situations and for companies using the CVI Developer Scripts in commercial applications we offer the Netzgestade Closed Distribution License. It is a non-copyleft license which gives companies complete freedom when integrating the CVI Developer Scripts in their products and web sites. The main advantages over an Open Source license are:

  • Modifications and enhancements doesn't need to be released under an Open Source license
  • There is no need to distribute the (A|L)GPL license alongside with your product and no reference to it have to be done
  • No references to the original script have to be done in any file distributed with your product
  • The source code of the original script doesn’t have to be distributed alongside with your product

The CVI Developer Scripts are distributed under the GPL, LGPL and AGPL open source licenses. This triple copyleft licensing model should avoid incompatibilities with other open source licenses. For many companies and products, Open Source licenses are not an option. For these situations and for companies using the CVI Developer Scripts in commercial applications we offer the Netzgestade Closed Distribution License at It is a non-copyleft license which gives companies complete freedom when integrating the CVI Developer Scripts in their products and web sites. © 2024 by Christian Effenberger :: Imprint feed   delicious   digg   reddit   magnoliacom   newsvine   furl   google   yahoo   blinklist   mister-wong